Wednesday, February 17, 2010

poop poop poop....

The stupid binge monster wouldn't leave me alone despite my best efforts to shut him outta my mind.
So, I ended up catching up on some of your blogs and then going to bed. Sometimes he still whispers in my dreams, but its not like binging in a dream really counts... right?

Today I read this post by Shrinking Violet and thought it was VERY cool. She suggests a type of mantra. It helps to clear your mind and calm the moment. I think I'll use the word "poop" since it's very inedible. Well... for me anyway.

 My dog would disagree.

Her style of writing is very eloquent. I suggest you check out her blog.

xoxo zen


  1. Aw, thank you lovely, I'm flattered :) I binge in my dreams a lot too, my god its sucha relief when you wake up and realise that it wasn't real. Best of both worlds :)

  2. lol loved the doggie pic!
    im probably one of the only girls that actually enjoys food dreams, i love being able to eat all that crap in my dream and not gain an ounce.
    stay strong

  3. for 0.45 seconds i thought u were referring to checking out ur dog's blog lol /xo

  4. LOL. His blog isn't as fun as mine.


Use foul language if you love me...